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Hier ist die offizielle Hymne zur Party "Überdruck-Computer Games"
out now on Überdruck
If pacman had effected us as kids, we would all now be running around in
darkened rooms, munching pills and listening to repetetive music!
Überdruck teams up with
buddys Sam Punk & Mass in Orbit for a storming new release!
On the first site you`ll find the Original mix produced by
Überdruck & Sam Punk. On the flip you get a crackin Mass in Orbit vs. Überdruck remix!
As a special bonus the Vinyl release includes the sell out and
one of the most
looked after Tracks "Drugface - C**tmaster/Überdruck rmx" Be ready for the next Überdruck smash to hit the club szene!
After only 1 week on sale the Single is straight to the top of the
Germantrance.com charts.
Mass in Orbit vs.
Ueberdruck rmx
Drugface -Cuntmaster
Ueberdruck rmx